Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Glenn Beck Loves His Fellow Man or This Brick Wall is Made of Cancer!

As far as the numerous right-wing pundits go, Glenn Beck is one of the more palatable. Not much of a compliment when stood next to well, you know who they all are, so there is no need to really mention them here.

That's not to say that I agree with the guy, most of the time I don't (his article on cnn during the campaign that I'm too lazy to cite right now that pretty much said Obama will usher in a socialist apocalypse of mythical 1984 proportions is a good example). But he at least he gives the impression of being a little less obnoxious.

Anyways, Columbia University's David Buckner passed out on Beck in the middle of his show.

Pretty embarassing for Buckner I'm sure. Kind of funny in a sad, grape-stomping way. The refreshing thing to note is that he actually behaved like a decent guy. He didn't stand there and accuse this liberal member of academia of accepting handouts from rich taxpayers. He tried to keep the guy from falling over, and then he asked him if he was okay.

This is remarkable if only because there are dozens of examples of awful mishaps that occur on youtube where a reporter is knocked out by a light, throws up, swears, or has the set fall on them, and their colleagues continue on as if nothing occurred.

So I say this to my fellow liberal, tree-hugging friends: Even if Glenn Beck is wrong 99.9 percent of the time he is only human, and seems to be an okay guy when it all comes down to when someone needs a hand. Go up to your crotchety grandfather that can't seem to keep the names Obama and Osama straight, or your uncle who doesn't want his guns taken away and paraphrase Human League:

"We're only human, born to make mistakes. I accept you, and if you ever began to pass out while trying to touch a video screen on Fox News, I would catch you. I hope you would do the same for me."

Then embrace.


  1. Word. You gotta find the little redeeming aspects of's what keeps life sane!

  2. Can I be objectionable? Please?


    I feel like this is such an obvious thing. I would help someone if they passed out in front of me. Then again, I am a crazy idealist who believes in the power of love and unicorns, so maybe I'm just living in a bubble.

    I guess I'm wondering, would the average person have helped? Or would they have left him there?
